长岛华夏中文学校始建于二〇〇〇年,至今已经是第二十四个年头了。学校从创建伊始至今,一直是一所完全由学生家长义工自主管理和经营的非营利性教育机构。长岛华夏中文学校也是大纽约地区极富盛名的华夏中文学校系统在长岛地区的唯一分校。从建校到如今,长岛中文学校以其出类拔萃的教学质量以及丰富多彩的文化课程和家长活动吸引着来自四面八方的学生和家长。学校从建校初期的几户人家,十余名同学,发展到如今来自四百多户家庭的近五百多名学生。学校的学生遍布于长岛的纳苏郡和萨福郡,以及纽约皇后区。学校的蓬勃发展不仅为学生营造了一个难得的学习中文的良好环境,还为社区提供了一个传播和学习中国文化,继承和光大中华优秀传统的平台。在学生家长义工组成的强大校务团队地有效管理下,凭借着严谨的教学大纲以及优秀的教师队伍,学校的教学质量在华人社区享有着极佳的口碑。学校现设有从学前班到十年级的各级中文课程。学校同时还为低年级学生免费开设了具有中国文化特色的琴棋书画、诗歌朗诵、音乐舞蹈等文体课以及高年级中文辩论培训课。学校的中文辩论团队勇夺华夏总校个人和团体的多项大奖;毕业班学生每年都在美国AP中文考试和HSK考试中取得了优秀的成绩。每年学校还联合华夏总部和各兄弟分校共同培训老师,交流教学经验,以满足教学需要。 欢迎您加入我们学校的行列,成为我们团体的一员。
毕业于北京首都师范大学汉语言文学专业,来美前在北京从事中学语文教学及班主任工作11年。期间多次获得校级、区级优秀青年教师和优秀班主任的殊荣,数次在校级、区级做过优秀事迹报告及公开课展示。 来美后,于2000年~2005年间任教于“纽约国际中文学校”,2002年的夏天也在"现代中文学校"夏令营任教。这期间均得到小朋友和家长们的广泛喜爱。 2012年~至今(2024年)任教于长岛中文学校,12年来因材施教、寓教于乐的教学方法收获了历年家长学生的好评,荣获“华夏总校优秀园丁奖”。2022~2024年间担任学校教务工作,策划、组织、主持了这两学年的各项学校及华夏总校的活动,如教师研讨会、中国新年联欢会、总校演讲比赛、总校辩论赛、长岛中文学校毕业结业典礼等大型活动。
Founded in 2000, the Long Island School of Chinese has been nurturing young minds for 24 years. As a completely volunteer-run, non-profit organization, our school has always been dedicated to providing high-quality Chinese language education and rich cultural experiences.
As the sole branch of the renowned Huaxia Chinese School system on Long Island, our school has attracted students and parents from all over the region. With exceptional teaching quality, diverse cultural programs, and engaging parent activities, our school has grown from a small group of families to a thriving community of nearly 500 students from over 400 households across Nassau and Suffolk counties, as well as Queens.
Our school has not only created an excellent learning environment for students to acquire Chinese language skills but also serves as a platform for the community to embrace and promote Chinese culture and traditions. Under the effective management of a dedicated team of parent volunteers, our rigorous curriculum and outstanding faculty have earned us an excellent reputation within the Chinese community.
We offer comprehensive Chinese language courses from preschool to the tenth grade, as well as free cultural enrichment classes such as Chinese calligraphy, painting, music, dance, and poetry recitation for younger students. Our high school debate team has consistently won numerous awards at the Huaxia headquarters competitions, and our graduating seniors have achieved excellent results in both the AP Chinese and HSK exams.
To ensure that our teachers are equipped with the latest teaching methodologies, we collaborate with the Huaxia headquarters and other branch schools to provide ongoing training and exchange teaching experiences.
We warmly invite you to join our school community and become a part of our mission to promote Chinese language and culture.
About our Principal
Maggie Sun is the Principal of the Long Island School of Chinese. She holds a Chinese Language and Literature degree from Capital Normal University in Beijing. Before relocating to the United States, she dedicated 11 years to teaching the Chinese language and serving as a homeroom teacher at a middle school in Beijing. Her exceptional contributions were recognized with multiple awards for outstanding young teachers and homeroom teachers at school and district levels.
Upon arriving in the U.S., Sun continued her passion for education, teaching at the New York International Chinese School from 2000 to 2005 and at the Modern Chinese School’s summer camp in 2002. Her engaging teaching style and dedication to her students earned her widespread admiration from both students and parents.
Since 2012, Sun has been a dedicated member of the Long Island School of Chinese faculty. Her student-centered approach and ability to make learning fun have consistently garnered positive feedback from students and parents alike. In recognition of her outstanding contributions, she was honored with the Huaxia Headquarters Outstanding Educator Award.
In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Sun has taken on numerous leadership roles within the school. From 2022 to 2024, she served as the school’s Academic Affairs Coordinator, successfully planning and executing various school and district-wide events, including teacher workshops, Chinese New Year celebrations, and academic competitions.
In 2024, Sun was elected to the board of directors and appointed as Principal of the Long Island School of Chinese. With a deep commitment to education, strong interpersonal skills, and a collaborative spirit, she is dedicated to working alongside the school’s faculty, staff, volunteers, and parents to preserve and promote Chinese culture in the United States. Under her leadership, the school will continue to strive for excellence in teaching and administration, fostering a vibrant learning environment for students of all ages.”